E-mail is one of the primary marketing channels today. A whole new generation is growing up not knowing news papers, regular scheduled television or mail catalogs. They are growing up with the web, social media, short messaging, cell phones, viral videos and e-mail as their full and complete suite of communication tools. As frightening as this is, it presents great opportunities for marketing.
Advertising in these new media channels are highly effective compared with traditional media and are extremely cost effective. The older generations have been forced to adapt to the new media channels to keep up with their kids and grand kids. Business at the speed of light also forced most people to adopt at least e-mail and bring it into their homes and businesses.
Do you want to find new customers or do you want to communicate with your existing customers? At Great Falls eBusiness Solutions we can help you to set up your own e-mail marketing campaign. We can handle mailing lists of just a few to millions with equal ease. We can design e-mail templates that are both effective and attractive. We will also add dedicated web landing pages for each e-mail campaign to help us track the return on investment that you are receiving and use A/B testing to make sure we fine tune your e-mail communication.
Staying on the right side of the US Can-Spam act is really important for business. If you contravene these strict regulations and end up on one of the black lists, you will not be able to get any e-mail through to your customers. Our solution is Can Spam act compliant and allows you to run your campaigns with the recipients managing their own options.